How we engage

How we engage

Our engage­ment mod­el is based on an iter­at­ive social learn­ing cycle, with a strong sci­entif­ic found­a­tion of robust sys­tems think­ing meth­od­o­lo­gies, span­ning almost three dec­ades of proven real-world applic­a­tions in vari­ous con­texts. Their evol­u­tion informed by prac­tice will con­tin­ue as we work with our part­ners, with our shared exper­i­ence to face many of the com­plex chal­lenges of our time. Hov­er over the vari­ous sec­tions to explore an example how we engage with private and pub­lic sec­tor organ­isa­tions or insti­tu­tions, con­fron­ted with com­plex social or envir­on­ment­al issue. Our con­text sec­tion provides a more in-depth per­spect­ive on the dif­fer­ent engage­ment con­texts.

“The sys­tems approach begins when first you see the world through the eyes of anoth­er.”

Charles West Church­man

Edu­ca­tion for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment is an over­arch­ing theme across all con­texts, and we place par­tic­u­lar emphas­is at Peri­peteia to provide broad, equal access to learn­ing path­ways, which build the capa­city for sys­tems think­ing and action across our soci­ety. Part­ner­ing with the private or pub­lic edu­ca­tion sec­tor is thus fun­da­ment­al to our work.

The Juggler

To juggle in the lit­er­al sense needs prac­tice, where we as novice jug­gler have to man­age to com­plex rela­tion­ship between see­ing, feel­ing, act­ing and mov­ing to keep the balls up in the air. Our men­tal state is as import­ant as our senses, emo­tions and con­nec­tion to the envir­on­ment. If one is neg­lected our prac­tice causes unin­ten­ded con­sequences, the balls drop, and we have to start all over again. It gets even more chal­len­ging for us if our envir­on­ment is sub­ject to sud­den changes, where we need to juggle on uncom­mon ground, a new con­text, or we juggle with oth­er people togeth­er, requir­ing us to under­stand and learn first about their prac­tice, before we can suc­cess­fully per­form a group jug­gling. Hov­er over the pic­tures to explore how we relate the “jug­gling” to sys­tems think­ing in action.

Lets Build Your Capacity to Juggle